AMA Releases 2024 CPT Code Changes: Includes 349 Editorial Updates & Spanish Language Descriptors
AMA Releases 2024 CPT Code Changes: Includes 349 Editorial Updates & Spanish Language Descriptors
The 2024 CPT codes contain 349 editorial changes, including 230 additions, 49 deletions, and 70 revisions, describing 11,163 medical procedures and services. In 2024, over 11,000 services will receive Spanish language descriptors to aid those facing language barriers. For additional information, review the AMA Press Release outlining the updates.
CPT Changes Coming in 2024
The following important changes are in the Press Release:
- Consolidation of over 50 previous codes to streamline reporting of immunizations for COVID-19
- Approval of provisional codes (91318-91322) to identify monovalent vaccine products from Moderna and Pfizer for COVID-19 immunization
- Effective when monovalent vaccine products receive approval from U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Approval of new vaccine administration code (90480) to report administration of any COVID-19 vaccine for any patient (replacing all previously approved product specific vaccine administration codes)
- Five new CPT codes to report product specific Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) immunizations (90380, 90381, 90683, 90679, and 90678) to better track, report and analyze this condition
- Clarifications made to Evaluation and Management (E/M) services requested by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Remove time ranges from office or other outpatient visit codes (99202-99205, 99212-99215) to align with other E/M codes,
- A definition to determine the “substantive portion” of a split/shared E/M visit in which a physician and a non-physician practitioner work jointly to furnish all the work related to the visit,
- Instructions for reporting hospital inpatient or observation care services and admission and discharge services for the use of codes 99234-99236 when the patient stay crosses over two calendar dates.
The AMA releases changes four months prior to the January 1 implementation date to allow for the transition.
January 1, 2024, will bring many updates to procedure coding. YES HIM Consulting has comprehensive presentations to help prepare you and your staff for these CPT changes. Stay current with the changes by visiting our CPT Coding Resource Center.