Brush Up on the Heart Failure, Hypertension, & Chronic Kidney Disease ICD-10 Codes

Brush Up on the Heart Failure, Hypertension, & Chronic Kidney Disease ICD-10 Codes

Hypertension, a term frequently encountered in medical encounters, refers to the condition of having consistently elevated blood pressure levels. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a health concern of paramount significance. It is imperative to discuss the factors that influence blood pressure, as well as the hypertension ICD 10 codes used to report the disease. The intricate interplay of two primary components dictates blood pressure: the volume of blood pumped by the heart and the resistance encountered by this blood flow as it navigates through the arteries.

The implications of hypertension are far from trivial, as this medical condition serves as a harbinger of severe health complications. Notably, persistent elevation in blood pressure can set the stage for grave ailments such as heart disease, stroke, and even death. Guided by the American Heart Association (AHA), a definitive threshold has been established to diagnose hypertension. According to the AHA’s criteria, an individual is deemed to have hypertension when their blood pressure consistently surpasses the 130/80 mmHg threshold.

The prevalence of hypertension is nothing short of alarming, as substantiated by a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), which reveals that approximately 1.28 billion adults worldwide are grappling with high blood pressure.

Types of Hypertension

Here are the different types of hypertension:

  1. Primary (essential) hypertension: This represents the most prevalent form of hypertension and is characterized by its insidious development over several years, lacking any discernible underlying cause.
  2. Secondary hypertension: In contrast to primary hypertension, secondary hypertension manifests suddenly and is often more severe in nature, typically arising due to an underlying health condition.
  3. Malignant hypertension: This is a severe and life-threatening form of high blood pressure.
  4. Resistant hypertension: In this condition, blood pressure remains persistently elevated despite pharmacological interventions.
  5. Pulmonary hypertension: This condition involves elevated pressure within the heart-to-lung circulatory system, presenting its own set of challenges.
  6. Isolated systolic hypertension: This variation is characterized by high systolic blood pressure, with the diastolic pressure remaining within the normal range.
  7. Pseudo-hypertension: Pseudo-hypertension is a deceptive occurrence where blood pressure readings are artificially elevated due to thickened arterial walls.
  8. White coat hypertension: This condition entails high blood pressure readings that are observed exclusively in a clinical or medical setting, often attributed to stress or anxiety during medical appointments.

Enroll Now in Learning Series on Heart Failure and Hypertension ICD 10 Codes

The ICD-10 codes for hypertension serve as an essential tool for healthcare providers and medical professionals in documenting and classifying these various forms of hypertension, facilitating accurate diagnosis and treatment. Understanding and correctly applying these codes is crucial for medical billing, insurance claims, and overall patient care in the management of hypertension, ensuring that the appropriate treatments and interventions are provided to mitigate the risks associated with this pervasive condition.

The Refresh With YES: ICD-10-CM Heart Failure, Hypertension, and CKD Learning Path teaches learners how to code and classify the different types of heart failure, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) diagnoses, divided into 11-22-minute webinars. This learning path reviews the ICD-10-CM codes, guidelines, and coding scenarios for heart failure, as well as hypertension and kidney damage from CKD. Learners will also review applicable Coding Clinic resources and coding examples.

hypertension icd 10

Furthermore, the courses offered within this learning path include:

  • Course 1: Heart Failure Types Overview Part 1
  • Course 2: Heart Failure Coding Part 2
  • Course 3: Hypertension/CKD/Heart Failure ICD 10 Guidelines
  • Course 4: Hypertension/CKD/Heart Failure ICD 10 Coding

YES Educators Ann Zeisset, RHIT, CCS, CCS-P, and Teri Jorwic, MPH, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, FAHIMA, lead this course. This learning path provides 1 CEU certificate (1 AAPC CEU and towards 1 AHIMA CEU).

coding refresher courses

Coding Education on Hot Topics for Your Entire Team

In addition, you can find this course on heart failure diagnoses, kidney damage, renal disease, hypertension, additional ICD-10-CM coding refresher courses, and more on our YES Education Site.

Corporate pricing for courses and academies are also available upon request (request a demo here!).

Set your coding team up for success by enrolling in YES HIM Education’s programs and academies! Additionally, one HIM client coder says, “Thank you to the YES Education Team and the YES Academy Educators! I took the CCS exam and passed, I would not have been able to do that without your education and the ICD-10 Academy. The live Q&A sessions for the academy offer the one-on-one experience that you don’t see with most online courses.”

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