FY 2022 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting Now Available

FY 2022 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting Now Available

CMS has posted the FY 2022 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for coding and reporting on the CDC website (2021). We posted a previous review of the 2022 ICD-10-CM codes here.

Fiscal Year 2022 introduces several guideline revisions, updates, and changes, some of which relate to new codes CMS is implementing starting October 1, 2021. One example is Post COVID-19 Condition code U09.9. Since CMS implemented this code to classify sequela of COVID-19, the agency developed associated guidelines to indicate correct sequencing and use of the code.

Icd 10 cm official guidelines for coding and reporting

There were also 11 new codes in the Z55-Z65 code block: Persons with potential health hazards related to socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances. For these codes to be available for research, updated guidelines state that these social determinants of health (SDH) codes are assigned when the information is documented. This includes documentation by social workers, community health workers, case manager, nurses, and, in some instances, by the patient.

Some of the other changes or additions to the guidelines include:

  • Laterality code assignment based on medical record documentation from other clinicians when not provided by provider
  • Clarifications and changes to provide a code for both long term insulin use and oral hypoglycemics if applicable
  • Definitions of “clinicians” other than patient’s provider and when this documentation may be used in the coding process
  • Clarification in HIV guidelines
  • New guidelines for Medical Conditions Due to Psychoactive Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence and Blood Alcohol Levels
  • Clarification and changes to Coma Scale
  • Additions to Burns and Corrosions Classified According to Extent of Body Surface Involved
  • Clarification about the sequencing of history (of) codes with other codes
  • New guidelines for code Z71.85, Encounter for immunization safety counseling
  • General update to COVID-19 Guidelines to incorporate codes previously implemented such as J12.82, Pneumonia due to coronavirus disease 2019

Additional Information

For more info regarding the ICD-10 annual updates, you can also review these articles:

You can find further information on these guidelines and a comprehensive review of all of the changes for ICD-10-CM in the ICD-10 Updates collection by YES HIM Education.

Teri Jorwic, MPH, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, FAHIMA, co-authored this article with Ann Zeisset, RHIT, CCS, CCS-P.

Ann Zeisset

Ann Zeisset, RHIT, CCS, CCS-P Contract Educator
Icd 10 cm official guidelines for coding and reporting

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