Latest CPT Code 86413 & CPT Code 99072 Report COVID-19 Special Services & Tests

Latest CPT Codes 86413 & 99072 Report COVID-19 Special Services & Tests

The AMA CPT Editorial Panel has expedited the publication of CPT code 86413 and 99072 to document the latest in COVD-19 testing and medical services (AMA, 2020). These new Category I codes for COVID-19 supplies, services, and tests are available for review on the AMA’s Public Health Resource Center (AMA, 2020).

In addition, the effective date of these new codes is September 8, 2020:

86413 – “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) antibody, quantitative” (AMA, 2020).

99072 – “Additional supplies, materials, and clinical staff time over and above those usually included in an office visit or other non-facility service(s), when performed during a Public Health Emergency as defined by law, due to respiratory-transmitted infectious disease” (AMA, 2020).

Furthermore, the resequenced CPT code 86413 follows code 86409, which went into effect on August 10, 2020. Code 86413 is meant to examine the immune response to SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, this quantitative antibody essay will aid in the studies of epidemiology, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of COVID-19 (AMA, 2020).

Finally, CPT code 99072 will capture practice expenses, such as cleaning supplies (hand sanitizer, cleansers, sprays, and sanitizing wipes), three surgical masks, and clinical staff time (AMA, 2020).

In addition, the CPT Assistant Special Edition article includes a discussion of these new codes, descriptions of the procedures, Q&A, and clinical examples (AMA, 2020).

Additional CPT Codes Released for COVID-19

Check out these codes that were made available to document COVID-19 tests:

Let YES HIM Consulting’s team of qualified HIM experts help you. Our robust coding support services can assist your coding team, so they understand how to document these new CPT codes. Contact us here.

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