We offer evidence-based mentoring services for coders, providing traditional one-on-one, distance, and group mentoring options. Our goal is to guide your coders toward achieving optimal accuracy.
Mentoring (95% accuracy)
Empower Coder Feedback
through Mentoring
Dedicated Question Queue
per coder
Secondary Reviews
Coders that require further assistance with their coding quality will undergo a 100% chart review with feedback on specific topics. YES auditors will provide weekly live coder mentoring sessions based on the coder's quality reports.
Reporting provided:
- Daily worksheets on results
- Weekly report on progress
- Weekly audio/video sessions with the coder
What our Team Members say:
“We work one-on-one with the coders who are under secondary review. We review their charts daily and give detailed feedback daily to the coder. We meet weekly with the coder to review all of the charts with them. Coders have open communication with the auditor to ask questions, get clarification and any references they need. The coders really have a great relationship with the auditor who is providing the mentoring. I love mentoring coders, it’s my favorite part of the job. It’s a great feeling when we are giving back to the HIM community by growing new coders. The appreciation they express for helping them grow is the best part of my job.”
A YES Auditor
Question Queues
Coding Case Review is a queue system that enables the coder to receive real-time feedback when a coding question arises. The YES Auditor answers coding and documentation question(s) and provides certified references.
The Question Queues can be Pre-bill and/or Post-bill, according to the organization’s needs. When the Question Queues are Pre-bill, our turnaround time will be between 24 and 48 hours. Post-bill coding questions will be answered within 72 hours.
YES Auditors can also answer questions manually from providers, site managers, or management in the same fashion.
One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Concurrent feedback is provided to the client coder with individual and/or weekly conference calls, with the purpose of ensuring encounters are fully reviewed, detailed daily worksheets, and ready within 24 hours.
Medical coding tutor sessions with practical data:
- Daily worksheets on results
- Weekly report on progress
- Weekly audio/video sessions with the coder
Coder Assessments
No matter how seasoned your coders may be, coder mentoring is a tactic that ensures your team continuously performs at the best of their abilities. Evaluating and measuring the knowledge readiness of existing or potential new coders to accurately code medical record documentation is essential.
The assessments are conducted via a Learning Management System and have a time limit. The passing score will be determined by the client/facility. An overall report will be provided for each assessment.
Case Study: Impact of a Comprehensive Auditing and Coder Mentoring Program on Quality
This case study presents information gathered throughout a 24-month period, with the objective of highlighting the direct impact on coding teams’ coding quality levels (from medium to large health systems), through the implementation of a standardized Coder Mentoring Program.
How do we Mentor your Coders to Optimal Accuracy?
The YES medical coding tutor program provides the coder with concurrent feedback on their coding. Coder consulting also includes training on all the official guidelines, and weekly one-on-one conference calls. As a result, these coder consulting calls aim to mentor them to become solid Inpatient, Outpatient, and Profee coders.