How to Improve the DNFB Benchmark for a Positive Impact on Revenue Cycle


One of the biggest revenue-killers for healthcare providers is DNFB accounts. DNFB (DNFB meaning “discharged, not final billed”) – defines unbilled accounts where the patient has been discharged from the healthcare facility, but the final bill from the encounter has not been submitted. The cost effects of outstanding DNFB accounts and claims denials are staggering, and can negatively impact the providers’ cash flow and potential net revenue. So, what are the best practices to reduce DNFB days and claims denials?

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Telehealth Resource Center for Revised PHE Coding & Billing Policies Due to COVID-19

telehealth resource center

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded the payment guidelines for professional telehealth services provided to Medicare beneficiaries during the Public Health Emergency (PHE) declared for COVID-19 (CMS, 2020). The temporary protocol expansion was deemed necessary to aid healthcare reimbursement, and will be active only during the PHE. To keep coders and auditors up-to-date on the expanded services and reimbursement guidelines, YES HIM Consulting has gathered all the latest updates to form a telehealth resource center.

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