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“Does Your Documentation Meet the M.E.A.T. Criteria?” Presentation by Karen Youmans at 2021 Southeastern Health Data & Information Conference

HCC MEAT Criteria presentation at 2021 FHIMA

October 23, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

“Does Your Documentation Meet the M.E.A.T. Criteria?” Presentation by Karen Youmans at 2021 Southeastern Health Data & Information Conference (Quad21)


Karen Youmans’ presentation at the Quad21 (Southeastern Health Data and Information Conference) will focus on the required documentation for the MEAT criteria that is used for assigning HCC chronic condition diagnoses in Risk Adjustment documentation and coding practices. Attendees will receive a brief overview of the overall Risk Adjustment methodology for Medicare Advantage and the Principles of Risk Adjustment. The presentation at Quad21 outlines the structure of the CMS-HCC model. Various examples will be explored for adequate Risk Adjustment documentation (acceptable and unacceptable sources of data), along with detailed examples of chronic condition documentation utilizing the MEAT criteria. The presentation also analyzes sample clinical scenarios, MEAT criteria, Risk Adjustment Factor and HCC calculations to aid medical coders and billers. Read more here.

Karen’s presentation will be held in the Hilton Ballroom West ABC.

Register for the event here.